Help US TO GET to minimum 100 by Feb 28th out of 269 Registered commitments to make this a huge success

Cost for the Event

1 person attending - INR 8,000.00

+1 additional Person - INR 2,100.00

Example - INR 10,100 (1+1)

what is included in the cost-

  1. Gala Dinner cost at Meridian for 19th evening (INR 2100)

  2. Momento cost for CIT staff (INR 1000)

  3. Modest contribution to CIT (INR 2500)

  4. 1 event reunion memorabilia T-shirt (INR 750)

  5. Photo/Video (INR 400)

  6. Breakfast & lunch at CIT 19th (INR 500)

  7. Other arrangements at CIT (INR 750)

    ****Payment details will be shared soon to registered email.

Please Register below.